to the Hunt Family information site. This information has been compiled
over many years with the help of a lot of people; however, any errors
are our own.
The family, as known, starts with John
Hunt, who arrived in Granville County, North Carolina, USA about
1764. He may have come from Halifax, North Carolina, but that is
as yet unproven. You are certain to find fragments of other Hunt
families in here, generally because we once thought there was a
connection but now believe there is not. Those fragments remain
recorded but do not link to the main family.
We plan on adding more material to this site, including photos,
wills, deeds, cemetery surveys, etc. We want this to become a repository
for researchers in our Hunt line.
Please also note that these are certainly not all of John Hunt's
descendants. There are major holes in some of his lines. If you
have information about those lines that we do not have, please contact
us. We are looking to fill in the holes where we can.
We have omitted any personal information about living people except
their names. (Yes, it's probably in our database, just not here
on the web.)
If you want to use any of the information on this site, you have
our permission to do so. But, please, make sure
that you note that the source of the information is this site -
hunt-family.info. We ask this for several reasons:
It is proper to credit the persons who collated and made the
information available.
There are certain to be errors in what is posted here. Future
researchers will benefit by being able to trace the error back
to its source and/or question us as to where the information
originally came from.
We are engaged in a on-going effort to provide sources
for the information presented here.
This should help others know where to look for confirmation,
corrections, etc.
If you have any questions, corrections, or additional
information about any of these people or families, please
let us know. (Contact us).
We will try to keep this up-to-date.
Major Starting Points: John Hunt - current top
of this family Reuben Ross - b. abt
1750 Surnames - Complete list
of all surnames in the site Index - Complete list, by surname,
of all people in this site Sources - Complete list of all sources
(so far recorded) for this information. (Sources are referenced
on person cards but not on family cards)